Join Us
Agree to terms and conditions
KNOU 약관 1 (Required)

In accordance with our university's personal information processing policy, we would like to collect and use your personal information as follows.

1️⃣ Purpose of collection and use of personal information: ID registration and management, and content provision

2️⃣ Items of personal information collected

- Required information: Student number, name (Korean), affiliated local university, wide-area study hall, department, password, contact number (telephone number, mobile phone number), question word, answer, address, e-mail address
- Select information: Name (English), work phone number, fax number, occupation, home page

3️⃣ Period of retention and use of personal information: Until the end of account service due to the use of lifelong accounts

4️⃣ You may not agree to the collection and use of personal information. Even if the consent is denied, ID registration is possible, but service use may be restricted. (However, essential information, which is the minimum information for ID registration, cannot be registered if not entered.)

5️⃣ Other personal information collection and usage information management shall comply with our university's [Personal Information Processing Policy]. Do you agree to collect and use personal information as above? If you do not want to comply with the above, you may refuse to consent. However, if you refuse to consent, we would like to inform you that some of the services will not be available.

Member registration information
Enter at least 6 characters using English letters, numbers and special characters.
This ID has already been signed up.
This ID is valid.
After enter the ID, click ‘Duplicate ID check’ button.
Enter at least 8 characters using a combination of English letters, numbers, special characters.
You cannot use the same letters or 3 consecutive numbers as your ID.
It is different from the password entered.
ex) 720322
Please enter the information that applies to general company or associated company.
If you do not enter both, it may be difficult to register for the course properly.
Please enter only numbers for your phone number.
Please enter your email according to the email format.
If phone number and address is not correct, textbook delivery or Lecture-related information can be dropped.
Agree to receive SMS Agree to receive E-mail
If you not agreed to receive, may not receive notices or guidance related to course.
Member registration complete
Member registration is completed.
ID :
Welcome to join us sincerely.
After login, please take a lecture.